Friday, July 26, 2013

Now, let me introducing the product of NHF

First is Bio Organix

Strong toxin discharge, Complete Nutrients
Formulated by Dr. Jessie Chung

Bio Organix is specially formulated by Jessie Chung. Every ingredient in Bio Organix is well chosen and perfectly arranged in proportion to the body’s requirement

Complete Health Supplement

Bio Organix is a complete health supplement providing all the necessary foods in a complete diet e.g. whole grain food, fibre, soy powder, lactobacillus acidophilus, plant oils, vegetables, frutis, nuts, legumes, other minerals and etc. to replenish the nutrients lost in our daily activity.
High Fibre

Contains more than 10 types of soluble and insoluble fibre. Helps to excrete faeces from the colon effectively.

Organically Cultured Lactobacillus Acidophilus

1. Lactobacillus Acidophilus (4 billion cfu/g) in Bio Organix has been certified full organic cultured.

2. Greatly diminishes the level of colon enzymes that produce carcinogenic decomposition waste from food.


Consist of 48 types of Certified Organic ingredients
Organic soy, Plant Fibre, Chlorella, Wheatgrass, Alfalfa, Organic High Fibre Oat Bran, Inulin, Celery, Rice Bean, Mushroom, Yam, White Wheat, Gold Lentils, Tuckahoe, Wild Rice, Pine Seeds, Red Dates, Green Tea, Green Bean, Fruit Enzyme, Brown Rice, Black Dates, Spirulina, Chrysanthemum, Barley Grass Powder, Flax Seeds, Carrots, Wheat Germ, Lotus Seed, Yellow Peas, Green Lentils, Buckwheat Groat, Black Sesame, Walnuts, Black Grains, Liquorice, Apricot Kernel, Pumpkin Seeds, Black Beans, Medlar, Pineapple, Red Lentil, Acerola Grass Powder, Broccoli, Cabbage, Spinach, Red Wheat, Certified Full Organic Lactobacillus Acidophilus


Supply the body with the most complete nutrients, including vitamins and minerals
- Discharge toxins and coprolith out from the colon
- Replenish cells
- Enhance the immune system
- Promotes metabolism
- Enhance memory
- Body slimming
- Regulate blood sugar and blood pressure
- Lowering blood cholesterol level

2. Bio Slim 纤体素

 ***achieves the goal of slimming through suppressing the appetite, inhibiting fat production and burn excessive energy...

Organic soy protein isolate, Organic oat bran, Garcinia fruit extract, Organic psyllium husk, Organic wheat grass, Lingzhi or Reishi mushroom, American Ginseng herb, Green tea extract, Non diary probiotic, Papaya, Fructooligosaccharide, Hazelnut, Natural vanilla flavor

Inhibit or reduce fat production

Garcina Combogia extract contains Hyroxycitric acid(HCA). Studies shows that HCA can reduce 40-80% of fat production 8-12 hours after meal
HCA increases the ability of glycogen storage in liver and muscles, thus reducing fat production
HCA achieves the goal of slimming through suppressing the appetite, inhibiting fat production and burn excessive energy.


Regulating protein balance in the body, which helps you to achieve satiety, reducing the intake of unhealthy food and junk foods. Besides, Bio Slim ensures the least muscle depletion while controlling your body weight

1. Do you experienced moodiness during your weight loss program?
Moodiness is caused by “insufficient food” by your body; fatigue is due to the insufficient supply of “fuel” to your brain; Irritability is caused by instable blood sugar level. Bio Slim assist you in gaining your energy, thus improving your emotions.

2. Are you worried about weight regain after your program?
Need not to worry, just drink a cup of Bio Slim before two meals every day, select healthy foods, improving your diet and lifestyle, and you will be as slim as always.

3. Why do I feel heatiness and thirst when taking Bio Slim?
HCA in Bio Slim will stimulate adrenal hormone secretion to increase fat consumption and burn excessive fat in the body, thus increasing the consumption of water. To avoid thirst or heatiness, please ensure 2000ml (8 cups) of water intake daily when taking Bio Slim.

Suggested Dosage
Once to twice a day, 15-30 minutes before meal. Add a sachet of Bio Slim in a cup of drinking water, stir and drink immediately.





1. 抑制或减少脂肪制造量

· 藤黄果(Garcina Combogia)之萃取物为有机炭酸素HCA (Hyroxycitric acid)。医学临床证明HCA能在进食后8-12小时之内减少40%-80%的脂肪制造量

· HCA可增加肝脏和肌肉储存肝醣的能力,从而减少脂肪的制造量。

· HCA透过减低食欲,抑制脂肪合成,燃烧过多热量而不影响中枢神经,达到减肥的目的。

2. 饱腹感

· 有助于维持体内蛋白质平衡,帮助您获得饱腹感,不再渴求不健康的食物和零食。同时,在控制体重时将影响肌肉的消耗减至最低,有效的帮助您减重。

Q & A

1. 在尝试减重的过程中您是否有时会感到情绪低落?

  情绪低落是因为您感到“缺少食物”;疲倦是因为您未补充足够的“燃料”,而脾气暴躁则是因为血糖忽高忽低不稳定。Bio Slim纤体素将使您恢复活力,继而令整个人变得开朗起来。

2. 您是否担心自己可能开始再度肥胖呢?

  您只需每天在两餐前喝一杯可口的Bio Slim纤体素,并选择健康的食物即可。只要您改善生活及饮食习惯,以正确的方式继续使用,您便不用担心减去的体重会再次回来。

3. 为何服食Bio Slim纤体素时,会口干、体热的现象?

服用 Bio Slim 后,所含的速效燃脂成分HCA可迅速激活肾上腺素加大脂肪消耗,分解燃烧大量的脂肪,导致耗水量增加。为了避免出现口干,上火现象,请在服用期间保持正常饮水量2000毫升(约8杯水)。

3. Kelp 400  含碘冠军 昆布400


 含碘冠军 昆布400




• 甲状腺机能低下者的最佳食品。

• 平衡腺体和荷尔蒙。

• 刺激垂体使女性体内雌激素水平降低,恢复卵巢正常机能,纠正内分泌失调,消除乳腺增生的隐患。

• 平衡钠摄入过多,并扩张外周血管的作用。

• 预防白血病与骨痛病的作用,对动脉出血症也有止血效能。

• 利尿消肿的作用,可防治肾功能衰竭、老年性水肿、药物中毒、乙型脑炎、急性青光眼等。

• 含有大量的维生素A,可防治夜盲症。

• 可预防手脚冰冷。

• 防治缺铁性贫血。

• 对于预防肥胖症颇有益处。

• 美容、美发、瘦身。


• 含铁高。是陆生植物含铁之王——菠菜含铁量的6倍。

• 含钙高。钙含量是牛奶的10倍。

• 含碘高。被称为“含碘冠军”。

• 与大豆相比,昆布也含优秀的植物蛋白,含量大,15—30%之间,不亚于大豆。

• 能为人体提供各种维生素。维生素种类齐全,如:维生素A、B1、B2、B3、B12、C、D、E、K等。

• 能为人体提供多种特效氨基酸。昆布中蛋氨酸和胱氨酸的含量极丰富,而一般动物蛋白和大豆等植物蛋白中却正好缺乏这两种氨基酸。含有30多种结构特殊的新型氨基酸,因此医药行业将其列为海洋药物资源的首选开发对象。

• 胡萝卜素种类最齐全,胡萝卜素有防止正常细胞癌变和动脉硬化的作用。

• 含有亚油酸、卵磷脂、牛磺酸和谷氨酸等健脑因子。每100克海带中含有200毫克牛磺酸和相当量的亚油酸卵磷脂和谷氨酸。可提高智商。

• 含尼克酸,比大白菜、洋白菜、芹菜高5倍多;比藕、胡萝卜高8倍。尼克酸有助于人体的新陈代谢。





4.Chitomonascus 降脂精华

* 从肠内及血管内去除脂肪

* 调整血脂,血糖,血压

* 帮助有效的减肥

今天,此刻的目标是健康与瘦身。哈哈,说到瘦身,以往总是用了很多很不健康的方法与来路不明的药物。这些都是会让你瘦很快但复胖很快的方法。所以,决定再也不碰这些东西了。决定让自己瘦得健康。(听起来好像好难哦!! )

我决定用两种产品,那就是Natural Health Farm (NHF ) 和Nuskin Ageloc R2.

先说说Natural Health Farm (NHF). 我吃的是钟洁希博士的营养纤体计划。 产品有:Bio Slim 纤体素,Bio Organix 生命素,Chitomonascus降脂精华以及Kelp 昆布精华。


Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Care Tips on Pearl Jewellery

Every piece of Pearl Jewellery is precious and unique. Your good care can always keep the pearl as charming as it is.

Pearl loses its lusture or even change color if it is in touch with chemicals, such as perfume, cosmetic, skincare or shower gel and etc. So you should not wear it during bathing or swimming. Also, do not eve your pearl in direct sunlight or expose to high temperature.

Use a soft and dry cloth to wipe it carefully after wearing. Store it in a jewellery bos or pouch with separate compartments in order to prevent wear and tear


